


10 Typhoid fever symptoms and treatment. Be conscious about typhoid.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

/ by Onefluent

Typhoid Fever :


What is typhoid ?

Typhoid is an intestinal infection that affects the whole body. With contaminated food and water it spreads from stool to mouth and often comes in the form of epidemics. Many people get sick at the same time. Typhoid is one of the most common types of infections. The germ that causes typhoid is a unique human strain of salmonella called Salmonella typhi.




First week

1. First week

2. Every day the fever rises a little to 40 ° or more

3. In many cases the pulse moves much slower than the fever. You should aware of pulse and fever every half an hour. If the pulse slows down as the fever increase, it's mean that the patient may has typhoid.

4. Occasionally there is vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.

5. May have abdominal pain. Blood may flow through the nose.

Second week

1. The pulse moves much slower than the fever.

2. Pink spots may appear on the skin.

3. Mental problems (brain cannot think clearly)

4. weakness, weight loss, dehydration

Third week

1. If treated properly, the chances of any other complications are reduced. The fever and other symptoms go away slowly.


Be serious :

These can occur in the third or fourth week when the disease seems to be healing.

A. Bleeding from the intestines. Bleeding occurs with the feces of the patient or through the rectum. He may die due to heavy bleeding. Then seek medical help. So patient need medical help in this situation.

B. The patient suddenly develops severe pain in the abdomen and other symptoms in his peritonitis . There may be a leak in the intestines, needs medical help immediately.

Consciousness about typhoid :

1. To avoid typhoid, care must be taken to ensure that water and food are not contaminated with human feces. Follow general hygiene rules.


2. Don't eat food that is infested with flies or other insects, especially at fairs or festivals.


3. Typhoid fever often occurs after the flood or other disaster, and special care must be taken at this times. Make sure the drinking water is clean.


 4. If typhoid occurs in your village, boil all drinking water. Find out the cause of water or food contamination.


 5. To stop the spread of typhoid, those who are effected should stay in a separate room. The utensils which he uses should not be used by anyone else.


 6. Even after recovering from typhoid, some people carry the germs of this disease and can spread it to others.


 7. Therefore, if a person has typhoid effected, he should take extra care of its own cleanliness.



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